Montag, 28. April 2014

Programm April/Mai 2014, inkl. 2. Bhajan-Nacht‏

Liebe Freunde und Devotees,

ein vielfältig schönes Programm für die nächste Zeit möchten wir Euch, u.a. als Erinnerung, verkünden:

28.04. - 04.05.2014: Besuch und Vorträge (täglich 7:00 und 18:30 Uhr) von Bhakti Vicar Vishnu Maharaj

ab 01.05.2014 für 3 Monate: Besuch und zahlreiche Vorträge von Bhakti Raksaka Swami Maharaj

10.05.2014 (Samstag) 19:30 - 23:00 Uhr: Zweite Bhajan-Nacht mit vielen Musikern, u.a. unseren neuen Gottbruder Hari Kirtan das

Wir freuen uns mit Euch gemeinsam aus dem April und durch den Mai mit wundervoller Sadhu Sanga zu tanzen.

Euer Radha-Krsna Tempel Berlin

Sonntag, 27. April 2014

Performing, Acting and Singing the Beauty of Krsna and His Lilas

Krsna is so sweet and so great that we actually always have the very strong longing within us that we wish to have Him right next to us - and please, in persona. Of course, He is every single minute with and even right next to us but our bounded existence often is still dissatisfied. What to do? - The best opportunity to play and sing about Him and His  beauty - in an opera, in a theater play and in a performance.

On the German Easter Mela 2014 we had the great chance to see enthusiastic children and Matajis performing and singing about Krsnas Lilas.

Here you get some impressions:
The children played the Lila about Shiva and his covered visit of the Rasa Dance. We had a great and concentrated Shiva played by Yudistira. A sweet and devoted Pavarti played by Yudistiras sister Devi. A charming and changeable Govinda Prakash who performed a sweet Gopi to enter as the hidden Shiva the Rasa Dance. Many Gopis and, of course, Radha and Krsna who have been played by the brother and sister Savitri and Surya. The irreplaceable mothers helped to tell the frame story, to install the Ganga river and to support their children while dancing, acting and performing. It was a great and unforgettable performance! Gurudeva opened the play whith singing a Bhajan on his charango.

Moreover we had great performances by the Matajis of the Radha-Krsna Temple Berlin. In their first play they made a reference to Monsanto and the degeneration of genetic manipulated seeds. The sad and totally sick seed in comparison to the beauty and individuality of Mother Nature´s creation. It was a futuristic performance which was shocking and convincing - Watch out for Mother Nature´s creation and respect and treat it with love and devotion!

Then, we had an opera, sang by Gita Manjari and Satya Manjari. Rada Raman as Krsna and Dhanya as Radha. Everything was so sweet and adorable. - Just as Krsna himself.

Finally, Bhajan Amrita performed a nice Odissi-Dance. She also helped the children with their dancing performance in the theater play. Jay - what a great gift for all of us.

Gurudeva and his Devotees, ki jay!

Easter Mela 2014, ki jay!

Mittwoch, 23. April 2014

Bhakti Vicar Vishnu Maharaj in Berlin (29.04. - 04.05.2014)‏

Liebe Freunde und Devotees,

wir dürfen Euch freudvoll verkünden, dass vom 29.04.2014 bis zum 04.05.2014 Bhakti Vicar Vishnu Maharaj zu uns nach Berlin kommt. Er wird jeden Tag um 7:00 Uhr morgens und um 18:30 Uhr abends eine Klasse geben. - Wir freuen uns auf ihn und auf Euch, um gemeinsam eine schöne Zeit in spiritueller Gemeinschaft verbringen zu können.

Eure Devotees vom Radha-Krsna Tempel Berlin

"With Devotees your life becomes perfect" - quote by Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami Impressions from German Easter Mela 2014

Easter Mela - ki jay! One year we had to wait until our yearly Easter trip with our beloved Gurudeva to Neu Sammit (Northern Germany). From Wednesday, April 16th 2014, till Monday, April 21st 2014, we all went to a little place close to a beautiful lake and great forest. The days were packed with programs, walks, surprises, delicious prasadam, family feelings being surrounded by so many Devotees, and, of course, our Gurudeva, Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami.

Here are some impressions:

Last morning lecture by Gurudeva in Berlin before our trip to Neu Sammit.

... we are going to the Mela! Preparations for the trip on Wednesday, April 16th.

Arrival in Neu Sammit. And it goes on with building up and installations.

Harikatha-Ashram on the Mela: Producing and Distributing. Ki jay! Listening from the pure source: Veda - the sacred wisdom. (

Easter Mela 2014: Mp3 in German and English with the lectures about the Srimad Bhagavatam and other spiritual topics (e.g. "sexuality and spiritual consciousness") by Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami. You can get/order the CDs from Harikatha-Ashram (either directly from the Harikatha Ashram in Berlin - every Sunday from 4 - 9 pm in the Radha-Krsna Temple Berlin - or via Internet

The Swedish Yatra visits Berlin and comes with us to Neu Sammit - to see their Spiritual Master and his Devotees.

) Paramatma d. from Hungary/Switzerland with his transcendental delicacies, many stories and informative comments to the Vedic scriptures. He also translated most of the lectures of Gurudeva for the international guests from Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, South America, Italy, Switzerland, Latvia, Austria, Great Britain and France. You can get his translations of the Mela 2014-lectures on the new Mp3-CD (either directly from the Harikatha Ashram in Berlin - every Sunday from 4 - 9pm in the Radha-Krsna Temple Berlin - or via Internet

We had a variety of lectures, workshops, seminars, concerts and cultural events on the Easter Mela in Neu Sammit, e.g. a Harmonium Class by Draupadi d.d. or a class by Gangamata d.d. about "How to organize the daily life with Krsna."

Besides the programs beautiful Devotees were caring for vegetarian feasts and offering them to the Lord, means Prasadam/Mercy. - Ki jay!

Rehearsals for the children theatre play.

The ecstatic beginning of the Mela: Kirtan and jolly dances. Haribol!

Lectures in the Temple Room in Neu Sammit: topics about the theory and nowadays praxis of the Holy Scriptures.

Mataji (Women) Meeting with our Spiritual master. We discussed topics of and about Matajis: family, society and general daily issues of women. Moreover, behavior with the Deities and the Spiritual Master. We have had even a birthday mataji: Prem Sita from Sweden! Ki jay!

) Initiations on the Easter Mela 2014 - ki jay! A new life section starts with the search for God, for the truth and love, together with a Spiritual Master and a spiritual community. Values like "Simple living high thinking"  and being a Vegetarian are important to think about and to realize. We only can talk from love when we are responsible for that what we do. - Means, when we are treating the other living entities with love, care and respect.

Snapshots on and around the Easter Mela 2014.

Gurudeva left Berlin on April, 21st 2014, for His way to Venezuela. Beautiful times with his Sadhu sanga with love and compassion for all beings, beyond limitations. Jay Gurudeva!

Thanks to the Lord, our Gurudeva and all the Vaishnavas that we had such great time with our beloved Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami.