Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014

Schätze/Treasures: Nektar von/Nectar of B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami

Liebe Freunde und Devotees,

wohl das schönste Geschenk und die größte Barmherzigkeit für uns, die es gibt: Nektar von unserem geliebten Gurudeva, Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami und seinen Devotees.

Hier sind ein paar Links, zu Webseiten mit Vorträgen (Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch), Musik, Schönem, Impressionen und Inspirationen... Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.

Euer Radha-Govinda Tempel Berlin

Dear Friends and Devotees,

probably the most beautiful gift and the greatest mercy for us which exists: nectar from our beloved Gurudeva, Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami and his Devotees.

Here are some links of web sites with lectures (German, English, Spanish), music, treasures, impressions and inspirations... Have joy while discovering.

Your Radha-Govinda Temple Berlin


Harikatha-Ashram - die wohl größte Bezugsquelle für Vorträge, Musik und Neuerscheinungen von Vrinda:
Ihr könnt sowohl online hören und lesen als dass ihr auch alle Werke im Harikatha-Ashram erwerben könnt. Per online-Bestellung oder direkt vor Ort: Jeden Sonntag von 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr bei uns im Tempel.
You can listen and read online as well as you can order all the pieces from the Harikatha-Ashram: via online order or directly on the spot: Each Sunday from 4:00 - 8:00pm in our Temple Berlin.

Harikatha-Ashram - probably the largest source for letures, music and new releases of Vrinda:

Mothers, women, female spirituality

What is my duty in this world

Jede Woche schreibt Gurudev eine Botschaft (Sonntagschat)/Every week Gurudeva is writing a message (Sunday Chat):

Mix I
=> bei Selectiona una Categoria gibt es viele schöne Dinge/at Selectiona una Categoria there are many nice bites

Mix II


Mix IV


Zum Stöbern/For Discovering:

Impressionen/Impressions Gurudeva:

JGurudeva wie er lebt und strebt/Gurudeva how he lives and strives

Techno: (Gurudeva liebt es spontan zu dichten/Gurudeva loves to spontaniously compose)

... und damit ihr immer auf dem Laufenden seid: Vrinda News 
... and that you are always well informed: Vrinda News

Zum Schluss noch eine wertvolle Bibliothek sämtlicher Werke der großen Meister:
At the end a valuable library of various pieces of the great masters:

Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja:

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:

Harikatha-Ashram Berlin

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

"When you are my son, my daughter, you have to care for me. I will care for you."

Saddhu Maharaj shared with us the nectar of Krsna, he advised us the process of  sravanam, kirtanam, and he enriched us with beautiful days of saddhusanga. He stayed from June 26th to the 28th in the Radha-Govinda Temple Berlin, where he gave every morning and evening  a lecture, where he  touched many hearts and with his smile he sweetened everyone´s days...

Here you get some inspirations and impressions of his lectures and visit:

\  "Krsna says to his Devotees: 'You will always be my dear. When you fix on that everything will become crystal clear.'"
\  "Spiritual Life means to develop deep feelings for God and to let them grow."
\  "If we suffer from our inner conflicts that will come into our mouth - so we also make others suffer from our inner constraints. Instead, our heart should become pure, so purity will come out of our mouth. Lovely chanting makes our hearts pure."
\  "Your inner demons are like an umbrella. An umbrella you take and it prevents the mercy of the rain to come to you. So, your inner demons want to prevent you from the causeless mercy of Krsna which is always floating."
\  "By the grace of remembrance your heart will become purified. Your Guru gives you the connection to this remembrance. He gives you the connection to God. So in the first place you have to give respect and obeisances to your Gurudeva."
\  "My heart will get purified through the honest and earnest service to my Gurudeva."
\  "It is the Guru´s mercy to have said to me that Krsna is the Highest."
\  "Impersonal liberation = if you die; Personal liberation = if you know and consider yourself as a part and parcel of God, that you are not your body and that life is not about self-satisfaction"
\  "If you are in your consciousness you will see your desires and you can define and control them."
\  "If your aim is clear, everything will be clear."
\  "If you want to be Krsna´s daughter/son/wife/husband/friend/mother/father or servant then you have to become his daughter/son/wife/husband/friend/mother/father or servant. If this is your claim to God then you have to practice it otherwise it cannot be your claim."
\  "If you forget your real identity you get mad and you do stupid things like taking drugs."
\  "Religions are like rivers: they all flow to one and the same ocean: God."

Here is also a link to a lecture of Saddhu Maharaj:

We are so thankful about the beautiful time we had with him.

svarna-koti- darpanabha-deha-varna-gauravam
koti-kama-murchitanghri-rupa rasa-rangaram
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram

"The Lord's lustrous form surpasses the brilliance of a million mirrors of gold. The fragrance of heavenly and earthly lotus flowers is humbled by the subtle scent of nectar filling the air around Lord Sri Gaurasundara. Millions of cupids are stunned by his infinite beauty. Cupid's capacity to charm and create rapture is surpassed by the infinite attractiveness of the Lord. Sri Gaurasundara's dancing in various moods of rapture and love makes everyone seeing him swoon. Dancing in the deepest bliss of spiritual love, Sri Gaurasundara is the artful dancer Sri Krishna himself, come again to this Earth in a golden form.

I sing with joy the unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and only divine abode of pure love." (Sri Sri Prema Dhama Deva Stotram by Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja)