Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010

Bhaimi Ekadasi-26.01.2010

   Jaya Ekadashi 26th January 2010 
This Ekadasi is also observed as Bhoumi Ekadasi and Bhishma Ekadashi by other Hindu communities.
Jaya Ekadashi is observed in the Shukla Paksha of Magha Month in Orissa during the waxing phase of the moon. As the festival is associated with Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram and Bhishma, Lord Puri Jagannath is worshipped with utmost gaiety.
The half-day fast (vrata) for the appearance of Lord Varahadev is also observed on this Ekadasi day, and the utsav (festival celebration - pujas and feasting, etc.) is observed on the Dvadasi, which is when He appeared. 

As in all ekadashi days of the year is recomended to chant the holly names of the Lord and to meditate upon purifying ourselfs,mostly internaly.The stories for each ekadashi are very intersting,but one should be careful to don't fell into the believe that making sinful activities can be purified with chanting the names of the Lord,this is also one of the 10 ofences against the holly name.So,dear devoties and friends,have a nice day ,make as much good things as you can,help others as much as you can,fast as much as you can,chant as much as you can and hari bol!

                                                                                                   Kurukshetra team

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