Freitag, 12. Februar 2010

A mercyful visit from Bhakti Rakshak Swami Maharaj in Berlin (10-15.02)

We have the ouprtunity to have the asosiation of B.R.Swami Maharaj,who is now doing a great job in Mexico yatra.There  he has the responsability of a temple president and of taking care for a  wonderful preaching with standart and love.He will be 4 weeks out of Mexico and we have the chanse that in some of this days he can  be with us in Berlin.Welcome on sadhu-sanga and classes-saturday(13.02),sunday(14.02),monday(15.02) morning from 06,00 h ,saturday(13.02) evening 19,30 and sunday(14.02) for the sunday festival (from 16h.).

                                                                                                                                    Kurukshetra team 

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