Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Diwalli feast report :)

Sri Sri Gauranga Gandharvika Govinda Sundaram Ki Jay!

"Diwali reminds us that we abound in opportunities to choose light over darkness. As we observe the holiday this year, we can re-dedicate ourselves to living out our spiritual principles in all that we do. We can choose to see this one sacred day as the first in a year full of sacred days ahead, each one giving us a new chance to help and heal rather than to divide or destroy. We can choose to be instruments in the hands of the Divine, humble but bold carriers of light in a world that is so desperately in need of it."
 -from Vineet Chandler

On the 26.10 we celebrated The Diwalli feast in The Kurukshetra Ashram.
With the devotees and guests we went on the streets with big lights to sing the holly name of The Lord :) 

With some friends
Distribution of invitations :) 

In the ashram all the evening were a lot of bhajans

And lamps for Damodhara :) 

Lakshmi Devi is conected with the story of Diwalli
Happy Diwalli and Hari Bol!

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