Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Quotes of Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti

Hello,dear devotees and friends!We are very happy to share with you some drops of netar from our spiritual master Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Swami from his last visit in Germany.This are notes made from his lectures on the Eastern Mela in Neu-Sammit and in the Kurukshetra Mandir,Berlin.And please share the nectar with others!

Gurudeva Ki Jay!

Zitate/Quotes of Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti

Easter Mela, Neu-Sammit (04.04. - 09.04.2012)

05.04.12, morning, “Pain and Suffering”

  • Suffering is a show-up of our ego. We suffer pain because and for our ego. Suffering is a sign of our ego.
  • Pain should awake us of our blindness.
  • The activism within every second is more important than the second itself. The status of being awake and active in every second is the most important.
  • Keep active, do not fall in Tama-Guna of self-destruction. Do not make your mind and your body dysfunctional. Intoxication is a slow suicide. Keep your activism!
  • A beggar does not instruct somebody to give him something. A beggar pleases humbly someone for something.

05.04.12, morning, “Attachements to the Devotees”

  • Keep this always in your mind: doing things together, respecting each other, devoting myself to other devotees because they are representatives of the Spiritual Master, appreciating the projects of others.
  • Sacrifice our interest to the well-feeling of others. Our task is “How to make others happy?”
  • Only if you give yourself completely to God then you can have a deep relation with Him.
  • Follow your Gurudeva and do not be proud. Be strict but not proud.
  • Life is tough but Vaishnavas are wonderful.
  • I will not ignore the relation with others because of their failures. If do so it is not wise. - I learned that from my Spiritual Master. I made that decision for my life.
  • We have to have an active commitment. We have to have an active service, a relationship with devotees and Krsna. We have to activate our consciousness.”
  • If we do things inactively and not aware of Krsna then life will supply us with pain and suffering.

05.04.12, evening

  • Each individual should think that he/she is not a devotee. But the other devotees are the best devotees. Nevertheless everyone should behave like a good devotee as an idol.
  • Only with the blessing of the Guru one can see something from the heart.
  • 06.04., morning
  • The things don´t become shallow. It is us who get shallow with our mind.
  • Self-realization means Service-realization.
  • Service is something ad finitum. It has no end.
  • Temples are purifying us by providing us with service.
  • I am just a humble devotee of Srila Prabhupad who sticks to his dhoti to not come back to the hellish planets.
  • To be more serviceable than a tree. A tree gives shade to the one who is cutting him.
  • It is not important what you reach, it is important what you do. You are who you are.
  • There is always someone who has and is more than you. So why you don´t accept this?

07.04., morning

  • You are the history of Srila Prabhupad. It depends on you how much you influence your environment with that.
  • Once I know the Krsna-consciousness I am not interested anymore in lower knowledge. As soon as you know some rules and regulations, e.g. traffic rules, you are not allowed to break them anymore.

07.04., morning, “Association with Devotees”

  • You really want to practice Krsna-consciousness? – Then you need to live with or around devotees. Then, Krsna-consciousness will become something natural for you.
  • Don´t depend so much on others. Do it yourself.

07.04., evening

  • Life is delightful if you have something to do.
  • A real beautiful Vaishnava is the one who surrenders to the Vaishnava.
  • At ever cost pray Krsna-consciousness. Wherever and whenever.
  • You can´t demand nor command love. You just can inspire love. 

08.04., morning

  • First thing in serving is first to listen to the one to who you want to serve (so, to your Guru).
  • Go and distribute the seeds of Bhakti – everywhere.
  • An ashram is a manifestation of grace.
  • An ashram is a place for overcoming the egos.
  • Humility and kindness is the on-going and important mantra.

Visit in Berlin (09.04.-13.04., 22./23.04. 2012)

10.04., morning

  • When a clan is forming itself you have to become humble.
  • We should reduce our ego from 100% to 3%, 97% are for God.
  • In a marriage 94% are for God, so two times 3% are for their egos, 3% for each.
  • If I am with God, I am safe.
  • Spiritual community means everyone is indifferent.
  • Krsna doesn´t care what you have. He cares for what you want to give to Him.

11.04., morning, “Sri Isopanisad”

  • Depression und das Zerbrechen als etwas Positives für einen möglichen Wandel. (Depression and a breakup as something positive for a possible change.)
  • Das Leid ist vollkommen. Geburt und Tod sind auch vollkommen. (The suffering is complete. Birth and death are also complete.)
  • Nimm nicht mehr als du brauchst, sonst wirst du verstrickt in karmische Reaktionen. Gott gibt dir alles, was du brauchst. (Don´t take more than you need, otherwise you get involved in karmic reactions. God gives you everything what you need.)
  • Sei zufrieden, sei bescheiden, verschwende nicht. (Be satisfied, be modest, don´t waste.)
  • Gott weiß genau welche Wahl Er dir gibt. (God knows exactly which opportunity He is giving you.)
  • Du hast kein Recht, die Wahrheit herauszufordern. (You don´t have the right to challenge the truth.)
  • Die Seele kann nie umgebracht werden. (The soul never can be killed.)

12.04., morning

  • Permakultur bedeutet jedem Platz einzuräumen, den er braucht. (Perma culture means to give everyone the space he needs.)
  • Permakultur: perma bedeutet permanent; kult bedeutet Verehrung. Sprich, es ist die permanente Verehrung der Natur. (Perma culture: perma means permanent; kult means worship. So, it is the permanent worship of Nature.)
  • Alles sich anzusammeln und einzuheimsen ohne an die Folgen zu denken, ist Unwissenheit. (Everything what you accumulate without thinking of the reactions is ignorance.)
  • 12.04., evening
  • Ein Gottgeweihter ist jemand, der um das Wohl eines jeden bemüht und besorgt ist. (A devotee is someone who is worried and anxious about the well-being of everyone.)
  • Das Gottgeweihtsein ist ein Segen und eine Kraft. (To be consecrated to God is mercy and a strength.) 
  • Wer chantet, bekommt ein neues Bewusstsein, eine neue Ausrichtung, ein neues Ziel, eine neue Aufgabe. (Who is chanting gets a new consciousness, a new orientation, a new aim, a new task.)
  • In der Liebe gibt es keine Unterschiede. Es geht nur darum, einander zu mögen. (In love there are no differences. It is just about caring for each other.)
  • Dass wir alle liebessüchtig sind, ist eine Tatsache. (It is a fact that we are all addicted to love.)

13.04., morning

  • Oida-Veda-Therapie bedeutet Krsna-Bewusstsein zu praktizieren. (Oida-Veda-Therapy means to practice Krsna-consciousness.)
  • Oida-Therapie bedeutet eine ewige, nachhaltige und immerwährende Heilung. Es ist eine Seelen-, Körper- und Verstandsheilung. (Oida-Therapy means an eternal, sustainable and everlasting healing. It is a healing of the soul, the body and the mind.)
  • Im Krsna-Bewusstsein müssen wir jeden Tag aufs Neue bei Krsna Zuflucht suchen. (In Krsna-consciousness we need to take shelter in Krsna every day from the very first beginning again and again.)
  • Haribol – und keine Klagen. (Haribol – and no complains.)

22.04.2012 (Sunday Festival)

  • Radharani ist unsere Freude. (Radharani is our joy.)
  • Radharani ist auf dieser Welt erschienen, um uns alle in die spirituelle Welt zu bringen. (Radharani came to this world to bring all of us back to the spiritual world.)
  • Erst, wenn du dich danach sehnst, wonach Gott sich sehnt, dann wird dein Leben erst richtig interessant. (First you need to long for that what also God is longing for, then your life gets really interesting.)
  • Die oberste Priorität ist selbst spirituelle Energie zu tanken. Als allererstes den Heiligen Namen zu singen. (The highest priority is to fill yourself with spiritual energy. Firstly to sing the Holy Name.)
  • Krsna-Bewusstsein bedeutet mitzumachen. Du kannst nur verstehen, wenn du mit Liebe dienst. (Krsna-consciousness means to take part. You just can understand if you serve with love.)

23.04.2012, morning

  • Wer im Dienst verweilt, der wird niemals verloren sein. (Who always sticks to the service will never be lost.)
  • Zieh das Beste aus diesem Leben. (Make the best out of this life.)
  • Ein wirklicher devotee ist ein Freund aller Lebewesen. (A real devotee is a friend of all living entities.)
  • Krsna-Bewusstsein bedeutet die anderen Seelen zu feiern. (Krsna-consciousness means celebrating the other souls.

Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti, ki jay!

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