Gurudeva has been in the Berlin Temple for 10 days and blessed us with some wonderful classes.
Gurudeva giving initiation. Fredrick from Sweden , who received a new name: Nitai Karuna Das.
An inspired impromt performance to see the new year in.
Gurudeva presented the new temple project called "Vrinda Kunja Berlin". We had an inauguration of it, dancing, singing, prasadam..... We are reconstructing the future temple for our Deities. Here you can see some pictures of the buildings:vrindakunjaberlin
On Sylvester we were given a very nice theater about the inevitability of death and how to prepare for it.
....Also on Sylvester the devotees prepared exotic fruit drinks which went down very well !!!
A star perfomance from Sri Ram Das.
The Sylvester Buffet took place in the seminar room and the the restaurant room, and many guest came.
Jay, Hare Krishna, please accept my humble obeisances from Santa Fe, Argentina. I can't communicate in German, so I'm really sorry for that, but at least I'm trying to tell all of you that your blog is wonderful and your seva is quite amazing. Congratulations. (our blog here is so you're invited to visit it. Thank you. Hari bol. dasavatara das
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Jay, Hare Krishna, please accept my humble obeisances from Santa Fe, Argentina.
I can't communicate in German, so I'm really sorry for that, but at least I'm trying to tell all of you that your blog is wonderful and your seva is quite amazing.
(our blog here is so you're invited to visit it.
Thank you. Hari bol.
dasavatara das
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