Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

Gurudeva in Europe

Jay Gurudeva Ki Jay!

Srila BA Paramadvaiti Swami will be in Europe from the 27 March till 30 April.This is the scedule of his travel,which may be changed ,acording circumstances.
He will be in Germany for the Easter Mela from the 27 March till 1 April and then from 24 or 25 April till the 30 April in Berlin.
For questions or more information,please contact us.

27.3-01.04. Eastern Mela 
01.04-04.04 - Berlin 

04.04.-06.06. -Barcelona 
07.04-10.04 -Teneriffa 
11.04-17. 04 - Italy 
18.04-20.04 - Hungary 
21.04 - Prague 
22.04 - Munich 
23. Bodensee 
24.or.25..-30. Berlin

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